Rimu is the best house in Tauranga Intermediate because of these reasons. First of all, we are the closest you are going to get to 21st century classes. I can prove this because we us multiple devices and techniques to learn such as laptops, cameras, google drive and lots more. Secondly, the teachers are excellent. I know this because the teachers push their students to year level way above the standard and that works. Last of all, we do lots and lots of sport.We do this so we are not sitting inside on our laptops all day here are just some of the sports we do climbing, hockey, dodge ball, ninja dodge ball, dodge ball hunger games, swiss ball soccer ultimate frisbee and many many more.
So in conclusion these points prove Rimu is the best syndicate in Tauranga Intermediate.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Monday, 22 September 2014
PEEL Paragraph
Being a mum is easy because of these reasons. First of all, once your child gets to 11 to 13 years old they become easy to control and they start to learn responsibilities I know this because I know what to do when I need to do certain tasks from learning during my life. Secondly, they don't need to teach a child to speak. I know this because kids around 1 to 3 just learn to speak by repeating what they hear and see and that imprints in their mind. Last of all, once their kids leave home they don't need to look after them anymore so they can relax until retirement. So therefore, because of these reasons being a mum is easy.
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Mr Diver Paragraph
Mr Diver is a successful principal because he has great ideas. First of all he created the Aims Games this makes him successful because this event brings a lot of attention to Tauranga and Tauranga Intermediate. Secondly he works efficiently this helps him to be successful because he can go to assembly give a speech and quickly go to a board of trustees meeting. Lastly he pushes his students to be the best like when he forces his students to be at the top of the Aims Games medal table.
In conclusion Mr Diver has ideas that he pushes on himself and his students to be a great success.
In conclusion Mr Diver has ideas that he pushes on himself and his students to be a great success.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Tauranga electorate facts
Map of the Tauranga electorate's

I live within the tauranga city electorate
candidates for the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate
Bay of Plenty
I am not sure
How long has the tauranga electorate existed
139 Years
Has the Tauranga MP over its history been mainly National or mainly Labour?
I live within the tauranga city electorate
candidates for the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate
Bay of Plenty
- Deborah Cunliffe (Conservative)
- Raymond Dolman (NZ First)
- Tracy Livingston (NZIC)
- Todd Muller (National)
- Ben Rickard (United Future)
- Clare Wilson (Labour)
- Simon Bridges (National)
- Nathaniel Heslop (Conservative)
- Rachel Jones (Labour)
- Rusty Kane (Independent)
- Yvette Lamar (Independent)
- Ian McLean (Green)
- James Maxwell (United Future)
- Clayton Mitchell (NZ First)
- Verna Ohia-gate (maori)
- Michael O'neill (NZIC)
- Stuart Pedersen(Act)
I am not sure
How long has the tauranga electorate existed
139 Years
Has the Tauranga MP over its history been mainly National or mainly Labour?
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
What is MMP
In the MMP system you have two votes. the first vote is for the party you prefer.
The more that people vote for a single party, the more seats that party gets in parliament.
The second vote is for who you want to represent your area e.g.(Bay of Plenty, Canterbury)
That person doesn't need to get more than half of the votes to win.
The more that people vote for a single party, the more seats that party gets in parliament.
The second vote is for who you want to represent your area e.g.(Bay of Plenty, Canterbury)
That person doesn't need to get more than half of the votes to win.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Political Partys
I think that the Civilian Party have ridiculous policies such as
- Remove the monarchy and become an independent banana republic
- Ice cream.
- Alleviate poverty amongst children by giving every poverty-stricken child a llama as a means to a basic income.
What does it take to make a political party
- An acceptable party name (and any abbreviation).
- Satisfactory evidence of at least 500 eligible members.
- Statutory declarations from its party secretary concerning membership, intention to contest general elections and advising of any component parties.
- Party membership rules showing what is required for current financial membership, and candidate selection rules which provide for the democratic involvement of members in the process.
- An auditor (or person who has agreed to be auditor when the party is registered).
- A party secretary with a postal address and contact details.
- Either the secretary, or a sitting MP who is a current financial member of the party, to make the application.
- $500 application fee.
Name: Gamer Party
free checkups to anyone who has 10 k.d on fps games
M.L.G classes in schools.
PC building in schools.
Use the DELTA-6 and the Oculus Rift as training simulators
Allow gamers to setup clan/crew headquarters in buildings
Make more free and advanced classes for technology towards anyone over 60
Could not come up with one
Other policies
teach valve how to count to 3
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Election Stuff
A good policy
Boost defence spending by $535 million over four years from Budget 2014.
A good policy
Boost defence spending by $535 million over four years from Budget 2014.
I think this is good because we could use the money to get better equipment in the military
A bad policy
Sharing Facilities in schools
That would be annoying for me and my class trying to use the gym is other schools were using it
One that affects me
Sharing Facilities in schools
That would be annoying for me and my class trying to use the gym is other schools were using it
A good policy
Reduce the average size of secondary school classes from 26+ down to 23,
More one on one time
A bad policy
Free GP visits for people aged 65 and older
most people at that age are rich
That affects me
commit $183 million to a comprehensive Youth Employment Package to ensure all New Zealanders under the age of 20 are in work, education or training. This affects me because this will help me get a job
Internet Mana
A good policy
Turning all sources of power to renewable e.g. waves, wind, hydro
A bad policy
Affects me
cheaper universal internet. I am in rimu house and we use a lot of internet so that would make school save money for other things.
words I don't know
Fiscal: Government revenue
Capital: Money
revenue: Income
A bad policy
Sharing Facilities in schools
That would be annoying for me and my class trying to use the gym is other schools were using it
One that affects me
Sharing Facilities in schools
That would be annoying for me and my class trying to use the gym is other schools were using it
A good policy
Reduce the average size of secondary school classes from 26+ down to 23,
More one on one time
A bad policy
Free GP visits for people aged 65 and older
most people at that age are rich
That affects me
commit $183 million to a comprehensive Youth Employment Package to ensure all New Zealanders under the age of 20 are in work, education or training. This affects me because this will help me get a job
Internet Mana
A good policy
Turning all sources of power to renewable e.g. waves, wind, hydro
A bad policy
- Financial Transactions Tax (FTT): This would tax currency speculation which is helping keep the value of our dollar artificially high. As well as gaining revenue this tax would help reduce our dollar’s value thereby increasing income from exports. An FTT would also apply to share transactions, for example as now applies in several European countries.
- This is bad because this would make the NZ dollar less useful so we will need to use more of it.
Affects me
cheaper universal internet. I am in rimu house and we use a lot of internet so that would make school save money for other things.
words I don't know
Fiscal: Government revenue
Capital: Money
revenue: Income
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Mini Dialogue
"Hey man look at that leaf ," said the 1st chameleon.
"Which leaf theres are lots of leaves!" asked the 2nd chameleon as he looked around.
"Hey what was that," asked the 2nd chameleon.
"What was what," replied the 1st chameleon.
"That noise,wait did you fart," the 2nd chameleon.
"No," replied the 1st chameleon.
"Well I don't know what that smell is but I like it!" Shouted the 2nd chameleon.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Random Dialogue
"Hurry up Corporal!"ordered First Sergeant Daniels"We got warthogs coming in to light up the outpost, we have to get out of here!"
"My leg!" cried Corporal Roberts"I think I got shot in the middle of that,"
"I don't care we have to get to the MRAP," screamed First Sergeant Daniels
"There it is," BOOM!
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
The Nappers
I am a reporter for BBC by name is Seth Moss
and this is the story of my death.
I was making a report on whats been happening in Somalia with the pirates and all of the executions of victims. Once I had finished the report checked my bag for my passport to go back home and then I saw someone running away with it into the markets but I knew not to go in there because I knew I would get lost so I would rather loose my passport then get lost in Somalia.
I was driving to the airport to get a new passport with my 2 friends I made at the airport when I arrived here one of them was a french reporter doing the same story as me and the other was a beagle I named him Evan. As I was leaving I noticed a black van following us as we were going through one of the towns and as soon as I noticed them the engine broke down so I went to check it out. Some how the battery electrodes had been cut and I knew then what had happened.
The people in the van had started to file out so I started to run and then I tripped and blacked out.
When I woke up I saw a camera pointed at me at then I felt a blade at my throat and then before I could say anything. SCHHCK!
and this is the story of my death.
I was making a report on whats been happening in Somalia with the pirates and all of the executions of victims. Once I had finished the report checked my bag for my passport to go back home and then I saw someone running away with it into the markets but I knew not to go in there because I knew I would get lost so I would rather loose my passport then get lost in Somalia.
I was driving to the airport to get a new passport with my 2 friends I made at the airport when I arrived here one of them was a french reporter doing the same story as me and the other was a beagle I named him Evan. As I was leaving I noticed a black van following us as we were going through one of the towns and as soon as I noticed them the engine broke down so I went to check it out. Some how the battery electrodes had been cut and I knew then what had happened.
The people in the van had started to file out so I started to run and then I tripped and blacked out.
When I woke up I saw a camera pointed at me at then I felt a blade at my throat and then before I could say anything. SCHHCK!
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Rust (something I know nothing about)
What is Rust? : Rust is an indie 2013 survival video game.
How much does Rust cost? : $25 NZD
Where is rust set? : not specified
What are the controls? :
Action | Control |
Movement | WASD |
Attack / Use Equipped Item | Mouse 1 |
Use Equipped Item (Alt) | Mouse 2 |
Jump | Space |
Crouch | Hold left Ctrl |
Sprint | Hold Shift |
Inventory | Tab |
Hotbar Item | Numbers 1 - 6 |
Interact | E |
Rotate Building Piece | Scroll Wheel / Mouse 2 |
Exit Menu | Escape |
Chat | T |
Voice Chat | V |
Reload Gun | R |
Toggle Music | PageUp |
Monday, 1 September 2014
space story
I have lived on this planet for 23 years, what planet you ask?
Mars yes I live on the planet mars and for a bad reason. I am on here because earth was destroyed by world war 4. There was a select few people that were aloud access on to the mars village I was in that few because I am an Inventor/Botanist that figured out how to turn carbon dioxide into oxygen with a device that I have made.
The people of this select few got to bring 2 people. So I brought my sister and my wife because they are the only family I have left.
But one day I went out in my scout ship to set up some more of my devices around the planet but then some alarms started to go off. The indicator said that there was breach in hull so I put on my space suit and went to check it out. There was a huge gash in the side of the cargo bay so I walked in to get my tools and noticed a shadowy figure following me so I slowly grabbed my electro sword and started running around my ship and the figure was still following me and then the monster of a thing jumped on top of me and was trying to eat me and then I had a plan. I let it swallow me and then started to cut it up from the inside. When I got out I got back to work on the hull breach and then headed back to the outpost and I was heading to its co-ordinates when I noticed smoke in the distance and I realised what had happened.
Those monsters had taken over.
Mars yes I live on the planet mars and for a bad reason. I am on here because earth was destroyed by world war 4. There was a select few people that were aloud access on to the mars village I was in that few because I am an Inventor/Botanist that figured out how to turn carbon dioxide into oxygen with a device that I have made.
The people of this select few got to bring 2 people. So I brought my sister and my wife because they are the only family I have left.
But one day I went out in my scout ship to set up some more of my devices around the planet but then some alarms started to go off. The indicator said that there was breach in hull so I put on my space suit and went to check it out. There was a huge gash in the side of the cargo bay so I walked in to get my tools and noticed a shadowy figure following me so I slowly grabbed my electro sword and started running around my ship and the figure was still following me and then the monster of a thing jumped on top of me and was trying to eat me and then I had a plan. I let it swallow me and then started to cut it up from the inside. When I got out I got back to work on the hull breach and then headed back to the outpost and I was heading to its co-ordinates when I noticed smoke in the distance and I realised what had happened.
Those monsters had taken over.
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