Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Nappers

I am a reporter for BBC by name is Seth Moss
and this is the story of my death.

I was making a report on whats been happening in Somalia with the pirates and all of the executions of victims. Once I had finished the report checked my bag for my passport to go back home and then I saw someone running away with it into the markets but I knew not to go in there because I knew I would get lost so I would rather loose my passport then get lost in Somalia.

I was driving to the airport to get a new passport with my 2 friends I made at the airport when I arrived here one of them was a french reporter doing the same story as me and the other was a beagle I named him Evan. As I was leaving I noticed a black van following us as we were going through one of the towns and as soon as I noticed them the engine broke down so I went to check it out. Some how the battery electrodes had been cut and I knew then what had happened.
The people in the van had started to file out so I started to run and then I tripped and blacked out.

When I woke up I saw a camera pointed at me at then I felt a blade at my throat and then before I could say anything. SCHHCK!

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