Sunday, 2 November 2014

Facts on Scopolamine

There is no class for this drug in New Zealand

Scopolamine is a drug that looks like powdered sugar.

This drug is made from the powdered extract of a tree called borrachero which is very common in Columbia.

The drug is used by blowing it into a victims face or putting some in a liquid and drinking it.

When it is blown into the victims face it gives them high suggestibility which mean they will do anything you ask them to do and the victim also experiences amnesia so they won't remember any of what they did.

Here is the only known street name

There are no negative health affects for this drug.

Robbers can use this drug to ask people to empty their bank account or open their house.

In conclusion Scopolamine or devils breath is a drug that is highly useful for criminals and pranksters but as it has no negative side affects so it will not cause anyone harm unless what they are told to do is to hurt themselves in some way. And it also has no smell so it is not detectable by dogs.

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